To Nebraska’s Children,
The last 18 months have been difficult and maybe even scary. With a new school year underway, I want you to know how awesome and special you are. No matter where you were born, the color of your skin, your gender, your abilities, or how much money your parents make, you deserve a world-class education that will propel you to achieve your dreams. I know that is possible in Nebraska.
I will always stand up for you. I will fight to make sure that you are safe, healthy, fed, and cared for by the adults around you, and know you belong every day at school.
I will fight for you and your teachers to get what you need to receive the high-quality instruction, services, and opportunities you deserve--no matter what town, city, farm, ranch, or neighborhood you live in. I will make sure that if you need extra help, you get it--whether it’s with homework, mental health services, nutritious food, or anything in between.
Public schools must be places where children from all backgrounds can come together and learn as equals. I will speak up to make sure you get the safety, sense of belonging, and excellent education you deserve. You are so awesome. And you are worth it.
I will fight for a Nebraska that keeps its promises to all children by supporting strong public schools.